Friday, October 7, 2011

More Is More

What assezzeries will you be rocking this fall? I'm going with panties.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Wozniak Remembers Steve Jobs

The big guy is pretty awesome too. It must be hard to lose such a close friend.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

LMLMB's New Look

I was getting so freaking tired of the strain on my eyes that I decided to make a change. It's a simple one. I still like the layout. I just didn't like the black. My only problem is that the light blue is so BORING. Any ideas? 

I think I'll go meditate in church and see if I can come up with anything. I mean, meditate to SLAYER, of course.

The Cat Whisperer

I love the super close-ups of maru that I just posted but it was severely lacking in the humor department, so here's this one. The two minute mark with the ID is brilliant! Don't spoil the moment by watching after that. Trust me. It's all downhill from there.

Kitty Porn

Maru wants you. He wants to sink his paws into your rug and violate your box. 

What? He does! I saw him jumping out of one from UPS just last week.